Our company offers suppliers sourcing in China as one of its main services.The employees of our company have many years' experience with Chinese manufacturers and will help you make the right choice among a large number of factories. The search of producers is carried out in several ways: 
  • On the Chinese search sites. Many search resources in China are designed for the domestic market and are not available to foreigners. These resources are often a great source of useful information about the manufacturers of a particular city or province. We use this tool for search at the very beginning of the work. 
  • At specialized exhibitions in China. We closely follow the events held in the country and are regular participants in various exhibitions. This approach allows us to always be aware of market trends.
  • In the thematic industrial zones. We have an extensive database of manufacturers of various products in China and know the location of industrial zones. Most factories are located in certain free-economic zones throughout the country. So we can analyze the market in the shortest time possible and get the best prices from the manufacturers of the specific industrial zone. Moreover, it allows to eliminate the risk of fraud by the suppliers (as we know, many companies from big cities of China present themselves as plants but don't actually have their own production facilities)  
  • In the Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China and Chamber of Commerce and Industry. On many issues, we interact with the Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country and have the opportunity to receive information on any manufacturer of the region.
After we clarify your requirements and wishes for the product, our company will begin suppliers sourcing in China. After that, a list of potential suppliers will be drawn up and a preliminary assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each of them will be carried out. Next, we will choose one or several manufacturers and proceed to the second stage of negotiations on manufacturing of molds and samples. 

Why should you seek the services of YDH solutions?

In merely two decades, goods made in China have filled the store shelves all over the world. Low labor costs, well-developed logistics and extensive manufacturing options allow Chinese products to be competitive, in the West, as well in developing countries. However, customers from different countries are not equally concerned with product quality. The same holds true for the price level. Before beginning to search for manufacturers in China, the sourcing agent has to have a sufficient amount of data in order to select companies on the basis of clear-cut criteria. 
YDH Solutions as your sourcing agent in China will assist you in making the right choice. Equipped with the technical specifications you provide, we will set clear goals and find appropriate suppliers, so that an efficient chain of supply can be built for your business.